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2023 Santa In The Park Sponsorships

  • November 05, 2023
  • November 10, 2023
  • Chad Fuqua Memorial Park, 312 Esplanade Dr., Hollister, MO 65672


  • * Special Reindeer Sponsor Banner Displayed At
    * Logo On Email Announcements
    * Special Mentions During Public Address
    * Special Mention During Scheduled Radio
    * You will have the opportunity to have a table at
    the event. However, you but be handing out
    gifts/goodies to children.
  • * Logo On Email Announcements

    * Special Mentions During Public Address

    * Special Mention During Scheduled Radio

    * You will have the opportunity to have a table at the event. However, you but be handing out gifts/goodies to children.
  • * Listed Sponsor On Email Announcements

    * Listed As A Sponsor On Event Flyers
    You will have the opportunity to have a table at the event. However, you but be handing out gifts/goodies to children.
  • You will have the opportunity to have a table at the event. However, you but be handing out gifts/goodies to children.
  • You will have the opportunity to have a table at the event. However, you but be handing out gifts/goodies to children.

Registration is closed